Feel free to make an offer, thanks for looking. If you have any questions feel free to message us. We provide as much information as we believe is needed. If you need more information about the item, please message us.
Before opening a return, please message us with as much information about the problem and evidence of the problem (pictures/videos). Damage caused by improper installation will not be covered and reimbursed (make sure the item will be installed properly by specialist or mechanic). Under no circumstance will damage due to lack of oil/fluid be warrantied. We are not responsible for costs associated with installation. Gauge Clusters: Mileage is approximate if listed and not guaranteed accurate.Pixel condition is not included in? Description and may vary per cluster. Working description is that gauges (RPM, Speedometer, coolant temp, fuel level) are in working condition. Boxes that show up damaged should be marked damaged and notify us immediately. We reserve the right to end this item at any time, if it becomes unavailable.
All parts are marked with stickers to help organize parts that are listed. They are put on parts after they are photographed. Some parts are duplicates and therefor the part you receive wont be the one listed however a duplicate. Parts will be in similar condition and same functionality. This means head, block and sump.
Any ancillaries left on the engine e. Water pump, cam belt, are given free of charge and are not covered by this guarantee. Most all of our parts are recycled/used. All of our parts are stored indoors and found to be in good working condition before they are listed for sale (unless stated otherwise).