OEM Fuel Injection Distributor Air Flow Meter for 90-93 Mercedes 500SL R129. Up for sale is a good used OEM Fuel Injection Distributor Air Flow Meter for 90-93 Mercedes 500SL R129.
This fits the following vehicles with these options. 90-93 Mercedes 500SL This item appears to be in good used shape as the pictures show and appears to be completely functional.
I have listed what I believe to be the correct compatibilities, but please be sure this is the correct part for your car. This part may fit other years and models, but please compare part numbers and pictures. We have many parts for many different cars. We will take care of any and all issues. Most of the time, we can get your taken care of without a return. It is our commitment here at Carew Parts LLC to ensure that every one of our customers is happy with our products. For contact info, just search for us online. Our fitment data is guaranteed! We are the definition of a small business.We are two brothers operating out of a garage. It's a very good thing to be small.
It's great for our customers because the person answering your questions isn't a sales representative. More than likely, it'll be the owner of the company you talk to.
My brother and I are Carew Parts. We are here to serve you by providing quality parts at good prices to help you get your car repaired properly while providing the best customer service in the industry. Thank you for considering letting us serve you.
Sincerely, Patrick and Michael Carew. Any incidental or consequential loss or damages including but not limited to installation, removal, or use of the merchandise.
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